Eczema and psoriasis are inflammatory and multifactorial skin conditions that affect many people. Several studies have shown that CBD can work differently for these skin conditions. Recent research results show that cannabidiol (CBD) has a promising future for treating psoriasis and eczema.
The anti-inflammatory and anti-cell proliferation properties of cannabidiol (CBD) are of growing interest in the treatment of not only psoriasis but also other skin diseases such as acne.
Further studies will be needed to prove the clinical efficacy of Cannabidiol (CBD) in treating psoriasis and eczema because cannabidiol is known to moisturize the skin.
CBD and its anti-inflammatory and anti-angiogenic properties to treat eczema and psoriasis
According to several studies, cannabidiol has analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties. Its antioxidant composition is very beneficial and allows, among others, to fight against eczema and psoriasis. Its use can cure these skin diseases thanks to an active agent which acts directly on the infected parts.
Cannabidiol seems to be able to reduce pain, notably thanks to its anti-inflammatory action. It suppresses pain sensitivity, like morphine. It reacts with the receptors of our peripheral nervous system, which are responsible for transmitting the nerve impulses associated with the sensation of pain.
These neurotransmitters are involved in many pathologies caused by hypersensitivity of pain pathways. CBD could help in the case of chronic pain and autoimmune, which is characterized by inflammation of the skin, causing itching.
Synthetic CBD has strong anti-angiogenic and anti-inflammatory activities. This agent can inhibit other cytokines and adhesion molecules mentioned, both in vivo and in vitro.
CBD effectively treats psoriasis due to its potential to suppress the two main stages of psoriatic pathogenesis. It is believed to have the ability to inhibit keratinocyte proliferation, a key factor in these chronic skin diseases.
After identifying the relationship between cannabinoids and the immune system at the CB1 and CB2 receptors, dermatologists are recommending the use of cannabidiol (CBD), cannabigerol (CBG), and cannabinol (CBN) therapies to treat psoriasis and eczema.
Decrease in cell proliferation

The cytostatic properties of CBD have been studied. This study highlights the inhibitory effect of CBD on the proliferation of “epidermal keratinocyte differentiation,” i.e., the inhibition of uncontrolled proliferation of skin cells.
This study confirms the presence of CB2 endocannabinoid receptors in the skin layers, as well as the presence of anandamide, or endocannabinoid neurotransmitters, which inhibit cell differentiation.
CBD and its moisturizing properties to treat eczema and psoriasis
Regular use of CBD products has other benefits for the skin, such as hydration. For some people, a stressed immune system can often cause the skin to overreact and develop into eczema or psoriasis.
These rashes affect many people, especially children. Dry, easily irritated skin can be hereditary, and there is no cure for sensitive skin rashes that occur as a result of an overactive immune system.
When our skin is exposed to allergens or under stress or a change in our hormones and anxiety, our skin can react by producing an uncomfortable rash.
CBD oil can help prevent or relieve eczema and skin psoriasis faster. Many CBD topicals contain coconut oil, essential oils, and shea butter for hydration.
The moisturizing properties of CBD help the skin cells to regenerate faster. It should also be noted that CBD is suitable for skin of all ages and even the most sensitive. It is particularly effective for “problem” skin that suffers from chronic conditions such as eczema and psoriasis.
The hydration of the skin is one of the main characteristics of CBD because its oil is rich in vitamins A and E. It should be known that CBD oil is also very rich in omega 3 and 6: this allows it to have essential fatty acids, but also proteins, fibers, as well as cannabinoids that allow it to optimize its hydrating power for the skin.
CBD is optimal for better skin hydration: it allows simultaneously to treat and heal skin diseases such as eczema and psoriasis.
CBD and its action on the skin cells and endocannabinoid system in treating eczema and psoriasis
Every human being is endowed with an endocannabinoid system. Represented in the nervous system, it has neuroreceptors as well as neurotransmitters that play an essential and still very poorly known role. It is, however, part of the physiological processes that are essential for the proper functioning of our body.
It is the CB1 and CB2 receptors that will take the information and recognize CBD, as well as all other cannabinoids. The endocannabinoid system has a major role in the life span of cells, especially those of the skin. It plays a role in cell differentiation as well as cell proliferation and growth.
By taking CBD, you will activate the CB2 receptors inside the cells. Scientific research has highlighted the therapeutic potential of CBD on skin diseases by targeting the endocannabinoid system.
Topical CBD products also typically contain a hydrating compound called GLA or gamma-linolenic acid, a type of omega-6 fatty acid. Applying it to irritated skin provides satisfying relief.
This natural form of treatment allows your skin to heal without the added harmful toxins that can cause the side effects seen with steroid use.
CBD can reduce inflammation due to psoriasis rashes. The cannabidiol would thus have an immuno-modulating property effective in a crisis.
Perhaps the most promising role of cannabinoids is in treating itching” caused by eczema or psoriasis. Applying a CBD cream twice daily for three weeks can make severe itching disappear.
CBD would reduce scars related to eczema and psoriasis. Scratching daily sometimes leads to scarring of the skin. CBD could significantly improve skin elasticity and hydration and the appearance of the skin of the patient suffering from eczema or psoriasis.
CBD and its benefits to treat eczema and psoriasis

An initial study has shown promising results. Studies have shown that cannabinoids, including CBD, slow down the growth and division of skin cells involved in psoriatic rashes.
Its benefits are number 10 and have already been proven in many areas.
Cannabidiol is known to stimulate endocannabinoid receptors in the body. It benefits sleep, appetite, pain, and even immune system function. Cannabis can interact with endocannabinoid receptors in the skin to reduce inflammation, pain, and itching in people with eczema or psoriasis or dry, inflamed, or sensitive skin.
CBD, CBG, and CBN can all be used for psoriasis.
This means that CBD oil for psoriasis could be a promising treatment:
- Activates the slowing of skin cell growth;
- Can reduce the inflammation of psoriasis flare-ups;
- Soothes itching;
- Reduces scarring associated with eczema and psoriasis;
- It is important for the skin’s stability.
CBD is largely involved in “maintaining skin homeostasis, barrier formation and regeneration, and barrier deregulation” inherent in inflammatory skin diseases such as psoriasis and eczema.
The advantage of hemp cream or any other CBD cosmetic (gel, massage balm, CBD oil…) is that it can be applied locally on the areas affected by psoriasis. 1h to 2h are necessary before the effects are fully felt. Cannabidiol, having a calming effect, could help you to improve the state of your skin.
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